Submitting a Helpdesk Ticket

Submitting a Helpdesk Ticket

This guide will walk you through how to submit a Helpdesk ticket through BLUE.

  1. Going to BLUE
    Open your preferred web browser and click the button shaped like a small house next to the address bar to access BLUE or go to https://hlwarchitecture.sharepoint.com/sites/HUB


  2. On the the Quick Links on the right hand side of BLUE, select Submit a Support Ticket


  3. On the following page select which type of support you intend to send the ticket to


  4. Then select what category within that type of support for your ticket


  5. Fill in your details for the helpdesk ticket and then click Send
    Once sent a support team member will reach out to you shortly.

If you are unable to access BLUE, you can send an email to helpdesk@hlw.com and that will create an IT support ticket.

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