Avaya Voicemail is Blank

Avaya Voicemail is Blank


I’ve never used Avaya, and need to configure my voicemail greeting and passcode.


Follow these steps for your initial use of Avaya Voicemail:

  1. Open Avaya and sign in to your extension. Your extension is the last 4 digits of your office phone number found in your email signature.

    1. If you’re having trouble connecting, make sure your Avaya settings are properly configured

    2. If you need your Avaya password reset, contact helpdesk@hlw.com

  2. Click the Voicemail icon

  3. Follow the prompts, and set a new Avaya voicemail password

    1. If you are asked for a password and don’t remember setting one or forgot it, contact Help Desk to reset the Voicemail password

  4. Follow the prompts to set a new Voicemail greeting.

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