Booking a Conference Room

This guide will walk you through how to book a conference room in your respective office through Microsoft Outlook.

  1. In the Calendar on Outlook, you can click either New Meeting or New Teams Meeting on the top ribbon of Outlook.

2. Once the new meeting window pops up, set what time you would like to set your meeting to and then you can either select Location on the left-hand side of the window or Room Finder on the right-hand side of the window.

Using the Room Finder

3a. If you selected Room Finder, the following sidebar will appear in your new meeting window. Type in your office location in the section for Building and select the relevant result, then you can click any available conference room and it will be added to your meeting.


3b. If you selected Location, the following window will pop up where you can select which conference room you would like to book. Click OK after double-clicking the room you would like to book.


4. Whether you booked the room via Location or Room Finder, the conference room will now be a part of your Required invitees and will appear in the Location entry in your meeting.