Sharing Large Files With OneDrive


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HLW has recently started integrating personal OneDrive cloud storage folders to everyone’s Desktop. Follow these steps to share a larger file”

  1. Open your file explorer

  2. Click “OneDrive - HLW International LLP

    *Note: If yours only says “OneDrive”, you’ll need to click and sign in to your Microsoft account (your email) to set it up.

  3. This Folder operates almost exactly the same as any other folder in the network that you’ve been working in all along. You can drop any file or folder into OneDrive and from there, generate Shareable links to access the document from anywhere or give access to others.


To create a Shareable Link,

  1. Drop your folder, or file into OneDrive. For this walkthrough, I will be sharing a file named “Lunch And Learn Tech 1.pptx”

  2. After you’ve dropped in your file, you’ll see a Syncing icon appear under “Status”.

  3. Wait until the Syncing has completed, indicated by either a green checkmark icon

    or a blue cloud icon

  4. Right-click the file, and select “Share

    1. From here, you can choose to send the link via Email by typing the recipient in the field in the center.

    2. You can also simply click “Copy Link” and then paste it into any chat message.

  5. To edit Sharing settings, click “Anyone with the link can edit” at the top.

    1. You can set an expiration, set access restrictions for the link, and create a password for secure access



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